Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 13: Phlegm: The dumbest word in the English language

I mean really! It should be spelled "flem."

... You do know, of course that when you read a raw food blog you have to hear all the nitty gritty about not only what goes in, but what comes out:

Flem, and lots of it.

It seems like every day for some portion of the day I am spitting up all kinds of throat drainage. I know this is a good thing -- you know, better out than in. I'm sure I'm freaking out a lot of people who think I have swine flu, coughing all over town. ("Oh, sorry, it's just the mangoes!") Although the excretion of plegm does serve it's useful absolution, it does become tiresome, a bit like English spelling. (English place names are even worse: Leicester = les-ter, Worcester = wus-ter, but Cirencester = siren-ses-ter; go figure!)

One of the tricky things about this diet is not only the shopping, but trying to time the fruit spoilage to minimize/eliminate it. I regularly experience some wastage for a few reasons:
  1. The fruit was bad when I bought it (sometimes I buy bargain produce -- the stuff that's about to go off) due to misjudgement.
  2. I had to buy a big bag (i.e. bargain bananas) and couldn't get through all of it. I don't feel so bad about this because it's headed for the trash heap anyway.
  3. I just don't eat it in time. This one makes me mad at myself.
  4. It's hidden behind or under something and I don't notice it until after the fruitflies do.
  5. I've never tried it before and it's actually really nasty. This happened to me with gooseberries recently, although new foods in my house are pretty few and far between.
In the last few days I've had to compost:
  • 1 medium yellow watermelon due to reason number 1.
  • 3 bananas due to reason number 2.
  • 1 apple due to reason number 1.
Whatever the reason for the spoilage, it's something I want to improve.

.75 cups orange juice (DON'T try juicing navel oranges. It doesn't work!)
1.58 cups grapefruit juice
Half a medium watermelon (1795 g)
Smoothie: spinach (166 g), grapes (1 lb. 1/2 oz/472 g), 2.5 bananas (274 g)

Calories: 1382
Carbohydrates: 90%
Protein: 7%
Fat: 3%

  • 20 minutes StepMill
  • 20 minutes crazy bike thingy
  • 20 minutes treadmill
  • 45 minutes weight training



  1. You must have had some not so good navel oranges. I juice them everyday without a problem. Those are the only ones you can get where I live right now.

  2. Yes, I was surprised too. I'm sure I've juiced them before. These were a waste of time and money.
