Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 17: Another day down, that's about all I can say

Tonight I made a salad that doesn't qualify for the Super-Dooper-Perfect-Natural-Hygeinist-Seal-of-Approval ("thou shalt not add any seasonings or enjoy anything too much!") but it still tasted blander than boiled sand, so I can at least claim a penitence award.

4 cups grapefruit juice (8 grapefruits)
Smoothie: 1 papaya, 3 mangoes, 6 oz. blueberries, head of romaine
1 oz. brazil nuts
Salad: 4 leaves romaine, handful of cherry tomatoes, 1 tbsp. minced onion, 1 tbsp. fresh dill, 1/2 apple, 1 tbsp. lemon juice

Calories: 1352
Carbohydrates: 79%
Protein: 6%
Fat: 15%

20 minutes Stair Master
20 minutes walking on treadmill, 3.7 mph

1 comment:

  1. ...thou shalt not enjoy anything too much. Think I missed that commandment. LOL!
