Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 20: Time out!

I made it 19-1/2 days. I couldn't do any more. Each meal was like running a marathon, I was so disgusted. It seems counter-intuitive that what is good for me in the long run should be an ongoing horrific experience that makes me want to vomit. I love food. I hate hating to eat. It really shouldn't be a torture session every time I have a meal.

I haven't given up, but I do feel I need to regroup and figure out a new strategy. I'll check back with you once I figure out what that strategy will be.


  1. I support you fully in listening to your body and making healthy choices, whatever food that may turn out to be. Hang in there...I am immensely proud of you!

  2. I am so impressed that you made it this far! Give us an update on your progress since the 20th please!

  3. Hi Sian:

    I've been drinking smoothies still most days, but actually got sick this week (hmmmm) so haven't tried to be strict about anything. Got some sauteed garlic kale on the stove right now. How eeee-ville!



  4. Curious why you feel the need to be 100% raw? Seems that it is a struggle for you and wondering why a balanced diet wouldn't suffice? In balance comes guilt, shame, fear free mentality... Once we lean to far to one side, there is this new feeling that comes about. I fully support your path and hope to help guide you towards a fun eating journey!
