Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 6: Pizza really does come out of the woodworks

Day 6 went off without a hitch, apart from the occasional twinge, like when I was walking up to my gym and was suddenly pummeled by the tantalizing scent of fresh pizza. Why oh why do they do that to me?

I was thinking about how I'm reacting to such things now versus other times when I've followed raw diets. I think I used to have the attitude that I just shouldn't have to put up with cravings, like they should just go away if I'm doing everything right. By the way, that is essentially what Doug Graham, author of The 80/10/10 Diet book told me on his forum, when I asked him how long it takes for cravings to go away. He basically said if you feed yourself right and choose not to have cravings (can't remember the exact words, but something to that effect) it won't be an issue. I have now decided after meticulous personal research that that's a load of crap, no disrespect intended to the man whose advice I am trying to follow. I just don't think he's ever had a food craving in his entire life, that's all.

Now I have the attitude that, yes, I'm going to want pizza and fries and blah blah blah for quite awhile. Hopefully not continuously, and hopefully I can find ways to manage it, but it's gonna hit me probably every single day for some time. It's intense, for me anyway.

Speaking of pizza, I never got that criticism of gourmet raw food that goes something like, "If it looks like pizza and tastes like pizza, it probably digests like pizza and has the same effect." To break it down:
  • If it looks like pizza (Er, sort of)
  • and tastes like pizza (No freakin' way that tastes like pizza!)
  • it probably digests like pizza (????????)
  • and has the same effect (Satisfaction? Not!)
Therefore one of my mantras is "Raw pizza? Why bother!"

In a nutshell, I'm not expecting to feel anything great anytime soon about any of this, but I'm still glad I'm doing it, because I wanted to do it, I set out to do it, it's impossible. That's why I'm doing it.

2-3/4 cups grapefruit juice
about 80% of a small watermelon
4 small apples
Smoothie of 3 yellow bananas (242 g), 90 g of a d'anjou pear (leftover bits after my son bit around it once), 256 g red seedless grapes (1.5 cups?) 224 g lettuce (about a head)
1 oz brazil nuts (I soaked and dehydrated (for storage purposes) a bunch of these some time back)

Calories: 1409
Carbohydrates: 80%
Protein: 6%
Fat: 14%

Sleep: About 8 hours

Exercise: 20 minutes StepMill , 20 minutes treadmill @ 3 mph


  1. Wow, you're eating very little calories! Are you eating only fruits and nuts? If I were you I would include some sprouts too, they add a lot!

  2. I'm writing down everything I eat, so you can check on the blog for the details. Fruits & greens with some nuts and seeds (but not much).

    The 80/10/10 protocol which I've decided to give a try doesn't do sprouting. I always think it's kind of a pain anyway, but I definitely used to do a lot more of it.

    The low calories is more because I'm trying to train myself to get my calories from fruit, but my stomach's not quite that big yet, so hence the minimal calories. Nevertheless I am getting enough, but I expect I will be dropping some weight here (but put on some anyway, so I'm not overly worried).

    Thanks for reading!

